is not created by causes and circumstances but naturally arises.
live in all its freshness and nudity,
It is neither altered by thoughts about a gripper and objects apprehended
Ni by an understanding born of mental analysis. In
meditative stability of its natural course - Stay.
"Stay" is an empty expression -
In reality, it is totally free of what remains and is able to stay. This Presence
-emptiness is the very face of reality Corps: Stay continually
this recognition without distraction.
There is no end to the activities and the illusions of samsara:
more you select, the more they increase.
concerns caused by the enemies and friends are growing,
engenders progressive causes bad rebirths.
Instead, then turn your mind toward the Dharma!
If you integrate your three doors and the Dharma,
You will enter the path to liberation and enlightenment. You will not
bitter regret at the death
And in this life and beyond, you will undoubtedly happiness happiness.
Kalimpong, circa 1950, Sogyal Rinpoche, courtesy Terton Sogyal Trust Whoever you testified such goodness
Your master, inseparable Urgyen Chenpo,
Visualize it on top of your head and in your heart, And
grow to it a fervent devotion and straightforward.
Anyway amount, circumstances, good or bad, happiness or sadness,
Put yourself in the master, your only father And ask him
unite your mind inseparably hers.
At the time of death, abandon all thoughts of attachment or aversion, View
Urgyen Guru, your master, above your head,
And your conscience taking the form of a small sphere marked with a HRIH
Dissolve it in the heart of the lord Urgyen Chenpo.
If you meditate and practice in this way, constantly
At the time of death, clarification will be easy.
therefore read the prayer of aspiration Zandok Palri1.
In conclusion, the practice of Dharma is to: Cut
attachment to samasara,
Cultivate kindness and compassion for all beings of the six destinies,
And completely tame this mind of yours.
I beg you, take this to heart and put it into practice constantly - do it, I implore you!
Colophon Although I practice point to myself,
This brief council - the lyrics of Sublime Beings
the past was written by one who has no Dharma, the parasite one stubborn
called Chökyi Lodrö
Intends to Pelu, practitioner blessed
Only not to ignore his request.
Sarva Mangalam
Note 1 - Prayer for rebirth in the next life to Zandok Palri Mountain (color-of-copper) the pure field of Guru Rinpoche. This new translation by Philippe Cornu, revisited in consultation with the Tibetan text now available, based on the initial translation of Sogyal Rinpoche performed during the first summer retreat under his leadership, St Cézaire near Grasse, in August 1981. When she moves away, it's better just to clarify terminology and to strengthen the translation of the Tibetan origin.